By Kelly Sherawat
作者 Kelly Sherawat
Read through our list of tips below and consider how they might apply to your own social media use.

1. Support a healthy online community. Before you comment, let your words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is it true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?”
2. Live in the moment. Photos and videos have their place, but awareness of the present moment is crucial to your connections and experiences!
3. Link instead of compare. Comparing yourself to other people can make you unhappy in the long run, whereas making genuine connections with others can enhance your overall well-being.
4. Follow people and things that bring you joy. A lot of social media content is highly curated and may represent lifestyles and attitudes that don’t exist. To account for this, consider limiting the number of people you follow on social media.
5. If social media is causing you any stress, consider deleting apps such as Facebook and Instagram from your phone so that you don’t have easy access to them.
6. Start your day intentionally. As easy as it is to pick up your phone and start scrolling from your bed, it may not be the healthiest way to begin your day, as you cannot control what you’re going to see. Try starting with meditation, prayer, stretching, or positive affirmations instead. These alternatives are likely to support a healthier internal monologue.
7. Make events accessible. If you’re planning an event, be sure there are other ways for people to RSVP who aren’t on Facebook or other social media platforms.
8. Take a break and support others in doing so. If a friend is struggling with social media overuse and wants to take a break from it or use blocking apps, support them and don’t make fun of them. Join them in the break, if possible.
9. Don’t struggle alone. If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, attention problems, or any other deeper issue related to social media overuse, make an appointment to talk with someone who can help you feel better again.