



This video will compare the top 10 countries by Gdp (gross domestic product) nominal from 1896 to 2022. gdp measures the total market value of all goods/services produced in a country for the year. Most of the time, a country’s GDP reflects how powerful a country is. This video will take you through a historical journey where you will witness the rise and fall of different empires and economies while passing through key historical events, such as the Great Depression, WW1, WW2, Cold War, and many other events that shaped our world today.
Datasources: World Bank, IMF, Louis Johnston and Samuel H.Williamson, SCMP, CNBC, St. Louis Fed, Wikipedia


The momentum of the Japanese economy from the end of World War II to around 1990 was tremendous. It was said that Japan as number one, and the United States was seriously afraid of Japan. Such as the Japan-US Semiconductor Agreement and Super 301. It's still the world's third-largest power, but it doesn't have the momentum it once did.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would love to see this done on a per-capita basis, where GDP divided by population was displayed. That would be fascinating.

Japan seems to be suffered from aging society. Japanese people have to overcome this difficult situation by technology.
On the other hand, a lot of Japanese companies transferred their factories to foreign ones and actively acquired foreign companies. Hence, in my option, real economic growth in Japan is difficult to reflect on GDP.

Very interesting graph indeed. For me the most surprising was how weak was French economy in the interwar period. They were more devastated by WWI than Germans despite subsequent plunder of Germany using reparations. It also illustrates why France was so keen on to extract as much as possible from Germany, because their own economy was in shambles.

USSR reached 47% of US, Japan reached 72%, and China reached 74%

I just subscribed. And when I've got some cash to spare, I'll contribute as well — you do a lot of really great work!! I would love to see where the British Empire as a whole (as opposed to JUST and ONLY Great Britain) fits into this animation — particularly to compare and contrast with the total value of USA's GDP, and particularly from the 1890s to World War II, before the British Empire started to be devolved. Keep up the great work!!

Wouldn't it be more meaningful the GDP per capita? The population is a very important factor to take into account: USA has currently (officially) around 330 million inhabitants. You can't compare GDPs across countries without dividing by the people living in the country among which this production is shared.


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